Hello! We are
Generation Earth
The WWF network for young, committed people
We are a colourful network of young people (15-25 years) who promote „Active Citizens“ and become active for the planet, society and the well-being of others. We are supported by WWF Austria. We offer young people a platform to get involved in environmental and nature conservation, to try things out and to network with like-minded people.
We are …



What we do…
Action Leader Training
Our training course gives you the opportunity to become active in nature conservation. Here you will gain the knowledge, skills and motivation to put your own ideas into action.
We are committed to a fair and sustainable world. Under this motto we support you in getting active and to organize your own projects!
Together with partners from all over the world, we coordinate international projects and events. Our members get the opportunity to attend conferences and camps abroad and network internationaly.

About us
We are Generation Earth! A colourful network of young people who inspire, educate and take action – for the future of our planet.
Generation Earth trains!
At our Action Leader Training you will learn basic skills and have the opportunity to try your hand in different areas. Find out more here!
Generation Earth takes action!
Our environmental and conservation projects are at the heart of Generation Earth. Each of our projects is initiated and organised by young volunteers. Find out more here!
Generation Earth networks!
We don’t just save the world, we get to know it. Generation Earth offers many opportunities to rediscover nature. Want to join one of our current events?
Generation Earth promotes empowerment
Generation Earth works on the bottom-up principle – we always make decisions together. With us, every voice is heard and everyone can contribute with their own ideas and perceptions.

Partners and supporters
WWF Austria is our parent organisation. We support each other in many ways.WWF supports us financially in the form of project funding, but also with resources and the expertise of the WWF staff. Since 2020 parts of our activities has been funded by the international WWF project Eat4Change. On the other hand, through us, WWF gets a direct connection to young, motivated people who want to make a difference.
Our funding comes from various sources – both governmental and private. WWF Austria is the largest supporter of our youth program. Additional funding for international events often comes from EU grants. National events are also sometimes supported by grants from the respective federal state. Companies also support us time and again in the form of in-kind contributions. In addition, our members themselves contribute to the funding of events through collected participation fees.
In partnership with
We partner with a number of organizations that also work with youth and young adults as well as other WWF offices within and outside Europe, numerous international NGOs, and many more.

The Action Leader Training is Generation Earth’s training course that provides young people with the necessary skills to carry out projects in the environmental and conservation field. The different trainings take place during the school or university months. The participants organize the weekends themselves, set the topics and seek experts for support. Each training is thus individually oriented to the needs of the group. Register directly!
The Action Leader Training is about supporting, training and developing an international network of motivated and committed young people. We want to empower them to drive change by developing and implementing projects in teams or on their own – in their village, city and beyond! Our long-term vision is a society of active citizens where people who have participated in our training make a difference in politics, education, business and beyond, carrying with them the motivation and positive experiences of Generation Earth.
- Who? Anyone between 15 and 30
- When? The Generation Earth training will take place from September 20 to 24, 2023
It forms the basis for four further trainings that we will offer in the following months on different topics – YOU decide when and what YOU want to learn in the follow-up training! After the Generation Earth training it is up to YOU if YOU want to continue the journey with us! - Where? Rannahof, Etzelsdorf 7, 4271 St. Oswald in Upper Austria (For the real „outdoor experience“ we want to camp one of four nights outside)
- How? Participation fee of 50 EUR for the kick-off training from September 20-24. YOU decide if you want to participate in further trainings after that! (Each additional training costs 50 EUR). If the fees prevent you from participating in the Action Leader Training, please contact us and we will try to find a solution!
In order to be able to participate in our trainings without any problems, we will gladly provide you with a certificate of exemption for school lessons if required.P.S. Our trainings take place in English as well as partly in German (there will be a Denglish 😊)
You can get a glimpse of our last Action Leader Training 2022/23 here!
Registrations are possible from August 1 to September 6 here!
We look forward to hearing from you!
Progamme Manager:
Georgina Weinhart
Mail: info@generationearth.at
Telefon: +43 676 83488 306
Action Leader Training
You want to join our Action Leader Training?
What activities and projects can come out of an Action Leader Training? Click here for an overview of our Projects!

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Do you want to join our events?
Click here for upcoming dates!